The Mateos
The Mateos
Paola & Manuel
Paola & Manuel
Jessenia with the bridesmaids
Jessenia with the bridesmaids
The Aguilars Having Fun
The Aguilars Having Fun
Sergio & Paola
Sergio & Paola
Patricia getting Ready
Patricia getting Ready
Sergio and Groomsman
Sergio and Groomsman
Sergion & Paola Love
Sergion & Paola Love
Jessica & Alberts
Jessica & Alberts
Cesar & Elizabeth
Cesar & Elizabeth
Jessenia and Miguel
Jessenia and Miguel
Love is in the Air..
Love is in the Air..
Jessenia and her Father in the Limousine
Jessenia and her Father in the Limousine
Jaqueline and Franks wedding
Jaqueline and Franks wedding
Jackie in the Limo...
Jackie in the Limo...
Frank And Jackie
Frank And Jackie
Alejandro & Kathys Wedding 2016
Alejandro & Kathys Wedding 2016
Jennys Dress
Jennys Dress
Joanna and Marcelo Wedding
Joanna and Marcelo Wedding
Magical Night
Magical Night
 "The Bride"
"The Bride"
"The Groom"
"The Groom"
Alejandro & Kathys Wedding
Alejandro & Kathys Wedding
Groom and Friends
Groom and Friends
A Couple In Love..
A Couple In Love..
Laura ready to wed..
Laura ready to wed..
Nick & Laura
Nick & Laura
Abigails Wedding
Abigails Wedding
Almost Time..
Almost Time..
Taking Care of the groom
Taking Care of the groom
Clara & Santigo listening to the pastor
Clara & Santigo listening to the pastor
The First Dance..
The First Dance..
Time to Celebrate..
Time to Celebrate..
Mom and Daughter Love..
Mom and Daughter Love..
The Wedding Ring...
The Wedding Ring...
Wedding Rings..
Wedding Rings..
The Mateos
The MateosThe Mateos in Love
Paola & Manuel
Paola & ManuelPaola & Manuel it is Love..
Jessenia with the bridesmaids
Jessenia with the bridesmaidsJessenia with the Bridesmaids
The Aguilars Having Fun
The Aguilars Having FunThe Aguilars Having Fun
Sergio & Paola
Sergio & PaolaSergio & Paola
Patricia getting Ready
Patricia getting ReadyPatricia getting Ready
Sergio and Groomsman
Sergio and GroomsmanSergio and Groomsman
Sergion & Paola Love
Sergion & Paola LoveSergion & Paola Love
Jessica & Alberts
Jessica & AlbertsBecause is all about family..
Cesar & Elizabeth
Cesar & Elizabeth Elizabeth In The Limo..
Jessenia and Miguel
Jessenia and MiguelJessenia and Miguel
Love is in the Air..
Love is in the Air..Love is in the air..
Jessenia and her Father in the Limousine
Jessenia and her Father in the LimousineJessenia and her Father in the Limousine
Jaqueline and Franks wedding
Jaqueline and Franks weddingJaqueline and Franks wedding
Jackie in the Limo...
Jackie in the Limo...Jackie in the Limo..
Frank And Jackie
Frank And JackieFrank And Jackie having fun..
Alejandro & Kathys Wedding 2016
Alejandro & Kathys Wedding 2016" Love like a Fantasy"
Jennys Dress
Jennys DressJennys Dress
Joanna and Marcelo Wedding
Joanna and Marcelo WeddingJoanna and Marcelo Wedding
Magical Night
Magical NightMagical Night
 "The Bride"
"The Bride"Kathy and her Red Bottoms..
"The Groom"
"The Groom"The Groom waiting...
Alejandro & Kathys Wedding
Alejandro & Kathys WeddingLove does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Groom and Friends
Groom and FriendsGroom and Friends
A Couple In Love..
A Couple In Love..Couple in Love..
Laura ready to wed..
Laura ready to wed..Choose a seat not a side. We’re all family once the knot is tied.
Nick & Laura
Nick & LauraNick getting ready..
Abigails Wedding
Abigails WeddingAbigail Getting ready... 
Almost Time..
Almost Time..Almost Time...
Taking Care of the groom
Taking Care of the groomTaking care of the groom..
Clara & Santigo listening to the pastor
Clara & Santigo listening to the pastorClara & Santiago listening to the pastor..
The First Dance..
The First Dance..The First Dance..
Time to Celebrate..
Time to Celebrate..Time to celebrate..
Mom and Daughter Love..
Mom and Daughter Love..Mom And Daugther Love..
The Wedding Ring...
The Wedding Ring...The Wedding Ring..
Wedding Rings..
Wedding Rings..Wedding Rings..
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